​Foundational iconic species of the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth (CLLMM) region
Project type: Foundational scoping
Theme alignment: Threatened species and biodiversity
Project lead: Dr Ryan Baring (Flinders University)
Project team: Courtney Glover (Flinders University), Dr Scotte Wedderburn (University of Adelaide), Bill Wilson (Ngarrindjeri Aboriginal Corporation), Tara Bonney (Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation)
Project dates: 8 Jan 2024 to 1 September 2024
Iconic species are defined for several reasons, including social, cultural and economic importance. The CLLMM region provides habitats for a diverse range of iconic species that are nationally threatened and migratory, important for community and culturally significant. Several of those species are listed as threatened under Australia’s EPBC Act (2023) and at the state level under the National Parks and Wildlife Act (1972).
This project will identify an agreed list of species that can define future research projects implemented by the CLLMM Research Centre. This will be achieved by:
Compiling a list of agreed iconic species (with input of scientists, community and First Nations);
Evaluating the current status (distribution, abundance, trends) of iconic species (with input of experts);
Reviewing existing research and knowledge to identify gaps in understanding, with particular focus on implications of future climates;
Defining research priorities to address gaps in understanding and enhance existing projects; and
Identifying opportunities to communicate the value of iconic species across the region.
The project will involve literature review of Iconic Species, workshopping and stakeholder engagement to identify of key knowledge gaps, particularly under climate change scenarios, will be presented with recommendations for identified future projects for each species.
The project will summarise the current status and implications of future climates for Iconic Species across the region, which is of strong management importance. Further, the identification research priorities relating to Iconic Species, which will guide research delivery by the CLLMM Research Centre, will help to instigate research that improve management and decision-making. The identification of Iconic Species will provide a platform to engage with community and First Nations on future changes to the region.
Stakeholder connections: The project has strong links with community, First Nations and research-users. The project will partner with Ngarrindjeri Aboriginal Corporation and Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation and will engage with First Nations and community.