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Encounter Lutheran College Year 5 Students Explore Science and Responsibility

Sugars Beach

This month we welcomed 56 Year 5 students and their teachers for an exciting excursion focused on the theme, "People can use scientific knowledge to inform responsible action." The students visited CLLMM Research Centre, explored Sugars Beach to learn about dredging, and then headed to the Barrages for a talk with Michael Shelton from SA Water.

The afternoon was packed with discussions on:

  • The causes of environmental issues and challenges (Causation)

  • How humans impact other living things, prompting adaptation to changing environments (Change)

  • Our collective responsibility to take action (Responsibility)

CLLMM Research Centre staff members, Nick Whiterod discussed the importance of good science, while Sue Ellison spoke about the role of good community action. Together, they explored how individuals can actively contribute to climate change solutions.

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